Benevolence vs. Selfishness


Giving to others’ basic needs without having as my motive personal reward.


Benevolence in the home includes:


·      Treating each family member with the same respect shown to those outside the family.

·      Choosing to look upon mundane household duties, such as doing laundry and cooking meals, as a labor of love for the family.

·      Caring about another family member’s growth in character more than his or her material achievements.

·      Focusing on each other’s inner needs and desires rather than selfishly seeking one’s own success by fulfilling personal ambitions.


I will...


·      see the needs of others as quickly as I see my own.

·      give freely without expecting anything in return.

·      not hoard things for myself.

·      not profit from the misfortune of others.

·      give more as I get more.


Rewards of Benevolence



Unselfishly caring about others opens the doors to ther hearts.


Peace and safety

Selfishness is conquered when people truly care about each other. When a person seeks the good of others, he or she desires to protect rather than harm, their bodies and emotions.


"Let others’ needs of kindness frankly be revealed: but your own good to others, always keep concealed." Cato