Creativity vs. Underachievement
Approaching a need, a task, or an idea
from a new perspective.
Creativity in the home includes:
· Discovering ways to make household
chores fun, such as playing music while working or going out for a treat after
the work is done.
· Starting traditions, creating new
games, and finding new places to go on birthdays, vacations, and holidays.
· Learning to make your own unique
thank-you cards.
· Turning homework into learning games
and putting memory work to music.
· use my talents for good.
· see things from more than one
· use principles to solve problems.
· learn all I can.
· look for new ways to be a person of
Rewards of Creativity
Good memories
Turning special holidays, as well as
the mundane days, into fun adventures will create stories to talk and laugh
about fo years.
Accomplishing necessary work in
creative and unique ways brings a great sense of achievement.
“The significant problems
we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we
created them." – Albert Einstein