- Balaam - Using religion for gain (Num. 22-24; Jude 11, Rev. 2:14)
- Lot - Compromising with evil (Gen. 12-14, 19)
- Jacob - Mixing faith and self-effort (Gen. 27-34)
- Achan - Yielding to covetousness (Joshua 7)
- Gideon - Commercializing religion (Judges 8:24-9:6)
- Gehazi - Cashing in on another's ministry (II Kings 5)
- The Rich Young Ruler - Trying to worship Christ and money (Luke 18:18-30)
- Judas - Selling inside information (Matt. 26-27)
- Ananias and Sapphira - Purchasing public praise (Acts 5)
- Simon - Trying to buy spirituality (Acts 8:9-24)