2005 Voting Information
This page contains voter information mainly for voters in the Greater Kansas City area.
But select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, trustworthy
men who hate dishonest gain--and appoint them as officials over thousands,
hundreds, fifties and tens. (Exo. 18:21)
- Overland Park Mayor
- Shawnee Mission School District 512 Position 6
KC Star report
- Cindy Neighbor
- does not support teaching intelligent design in science
- Profile
- Marc Lassalle
- Overland Park Council Ward 2
- BENJAMIN B HODGE - had worked with Kris Kobach (should be good)
- Constitution Amendment Ballot (Marriage)
- Explanatory statement. There is currently no constitutional provision regarding marriage.
There is a statute, enacted by the legislature, that defines marriage as a civil contract
between two persons who are of opposite sex and declares all other marriages to be contrary
to public policy and void. A vote for this proposition would amend the Kansas constitution
to incorporate into it the definition of marriage as a civil contract between one man and
one woman only and the declaration that any other marriage is contrary to public policy and void.
The proposed constitutional amendment also would prohibit the state from recognizing any other
legal relationship that would entitle the parties in the relationship to the rights or incidents
of marriage. A vote against this proposition would not amend the constitution, in which case the
current statute that defines marriage would remain unchanged but could be amended by future acts
of the legislature or modified by judicial interpretation. Shall the following be adopted?
§ 16. Marriage (a) The marriage contract is to be considered in law as a civil contract.
Marriage shall be constituted by one man and one woman only.
All other marriages are declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and are void.
(b) No relationship, other than a marriage, shall be recognized by the state as entitling
the parties to the rights or incidents of marriage.
Why do we need a Marriage Amendment?
Answering the Critics
Talking Points on Traditional Marriage
Resources from home school organization
Closer than you thought
Kansas Marriage Amendment
- All Overland Park Voting
- Johnson County Election (Voter Lookup / Register to vote)
- Vote By Mail for Kansas (PDF)