You shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth. (Ex 18:21).
The evangelical vote decided the elections of Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. In 2000, while 57% of professed born-again" Christians voted for George W. Bush, 42% voted for Al Gore or a third party candidate. Will undecided believers similarly move toward John Kerry in 2004?
(See ).
In light of Biblical Truth The CHPA Committee Election Fund examines ten major issues that prevent a Christian from voting for John Kerry. Please prayerfully consider the following:
1) Kerry Will Prolong Americas Abortion Nightmare
John Kerry has long opposed every pro-life measure offered in the U.S. Senate while avidly advocating abortion rights. NARAL rates Kerrys record as 100% pro-choice." His support for human embryo research will lead to tax-funded harvesting of human embryos. God promises to punish any people who passively tolerate the shedding of innocent blood (Gen 4:9-11; 9:5-6; Ex 20:13; 21:22-23; Lev 20:1-5; Deut 19:10-13; Ps 9:17; Pr 1:11-1624:11-12).
2) He Will Advance the Homosexual Agenda, Including Civil Unions" & Marriages"
God calls homosexuality an abomination" (Lev 18:22-30). Sodom and Gomorrah serve as a perpetual reminder of Gods displeasure with this perversion (Jude 5-7). Yet Kerry wants to welcome openly gay and trans-sexual men and women into the military. He supports gay civil unions - with spousal benefits. He voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which protects states rights not to recognize gay" marriages performed elsewhere. Kerry vows to make local offenses against homosexuals federal hate" crimes.
3) Kerry Will Continue Systematically to Destroy the Traditional Family
God made family the cornerstone of human civilization, yet Kerry opposes any Federal Marriage Amendment. His commitment to abortion, feminism, homosexuality, increased taxes, etc., will destroy families. Under Kerry, The ACLU, People for the American Way, The United Nations, Planned Parenthood and Hollywood will shape federal family policy (Gen 1:27-28; 2:23-24; Dt 6:4-7; Neh 4:14; Is 3:12-15; Eph 5:22-6:4; Col 3:16-21; 1 Tim 3:4; 5:8).
4) He Will Appoint Judges Hostile To Christianity & Gods Moral Order
Kerry promises to appoint only mpro-choice" lifetime Supreme Court justices and federal judges. Long after Kerry is gone, his leftist judges will override congresses, presidents and the American people, tyrannizing Christians and refashioning a legal system devoid of the morals essential for Americas survival (Dt 16:18-20; Pr 16:12; 17:15; 22:28; Is 59:2-15; Mic 3:9-12).
5) Clinton Era Truth, Morality & Ethics Will Return Under Kerry
Flip-flopping, campaign lies, anger & hatred have characterized the Kerry campaign against President Bush and will be redirected against Christians and conservatives across America, emboldening officials who despise God and Biblical righteousness (Ps 64:6-9; 89:14-15; Is 1:23-28; 59:1-15).
6) Kerry Will Further the Liberal Indoctrination of Americas Children
God commands parents to engraft their children with Scripture and a Christian worldview. Yet, having made promises to the ultra-liberal National Education Association, Kerry will increase federal funding for teachers and expand the power of Christ-less public education (Dt 6:4-9; 11:18-21; 1 Sam 8:9-18; Pr 22:6; Jer 9:2a; Mt 18:5-6; Eph 6:4).
7) He Will Plunge America Deeper into Humanistic Socialism
Creeping socialism has displaced individual liberty, economic freedom and the Lordship of Christ in America. Many Americans now look to government to meet their needs (1 Sam 8:6-7). Productive workers are overtaxed to fund an endless array of unconstitutional government benefits. John Kerry wants to raise taxes and revive the era of "Big Government" (Ex 20:15; 1 Sam 8:10-18; Neh 5:3-5).
8) Kerry's Radical Environmentalism Will Weaken America
Kerry will attempt to please liberal environmentalists to whom he is indebted. He will embrace some form of the Kyoto Protocol, which experts warn will cost the U.S. billions in compliance costs, trillions in lost GDP, bankruptcy for a million small businesses, millions of lost jobs and a 40% to 90% increase in consumer prices, including the cost of fuel. Kerry will impose radical environmentalist solutions upon businesses, governments and private property owners via far-reaching regulations (Ex 20:3-6; Dt 4:14-19; Is 44:13-20; 45:18-20; Rom 1:18-23).
9) He Will Rush to Yield American Sovereignty to the UN & Others
Kerry's speeches reveal his strong intention to subordinate Americas national interests to that of the World Community." Kerry will entangle the U.S. in a plethora of international treaties whose terms will supercede our own laws. Questions of whether America will act to defend itself will be submitted to the U.N. Security Council and world opinion" (Gen 11:5-9; Dt 32:7-8; Ps 22:28; Is 2:4; Mt 24:6-14; Acts 17:26-28; Rev 19:11-16).
10) Kerry Will Neuter Americas Military & Embolden our Enemies
National security is a God-ordained role of civil government (Rom 13). Kerry's well-known antagonism toward the military, lie-filled congressional testimony, radical anti-war activities, unwillingness to back our troops in vote after vote and opposition to improved weapons and intelligence systems, all disqualify him from leading our troops. (1 Chr 12:32-38; Ez 3:1-6; Pr 22:3; Lk 11:21-22; 14:31-32; Jn 10:10-16; I Tim 5:8).
Lord, Help us to Pray:
· Lord, AMERICA HAS SINNED GRIEVOUSLY! We deserve crushing judgment via unrighteous rulers, but we plead with you for MERCY. Stir Your people to PRAY & VOTE for leaders who will use their influence to turn America back to You (Ex 15:13; 18:21; Dt 17:15-20; Josh 24:15; Nu 14:11-19; 2 Chr 7:14; Neh 9:32-36; Jonah 3:5-10; John 1:14; 2:15-18; 1 Sam 8:5-20; Is 44:24-45:4; Zec 11:16; Tit 3:10-11).
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people... When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan (Pr 14:34; 29:2).
President Bush won the 2000 election by just 537 Florida votes. Four million evangelical Christian voters stayed home nearly delivering the Presidency to Al Gore. Though handicapped by a thin victory, George W. Bush has proven to be an excellent President. We must now pray that God will stir every God-fearing American, but especially Christians, to rise above the campaign fray and support President Bush with their vote November 2. The alternative is unthinkable (see Can Christians Vote for John Kerry? -
1) President Bush Is A Bold Believer In Jesus Christ!
God urgently warns leaders and nations never to forget Him (Ps 9:17). The fear of God" is the chief Biblical qualification for any leader (Ex 18:21). No man should become President who fails to understand that he and America must give account to the God of the Bible. Bush's lifestyle is consistent with his profession of faith. Insiders say he is a man of prayer. Even liberal Newsweek magazine wrote, this presidency is the most resolutely faith-based in modern times c an enterprise founded, supported and guided by trust in the temporal and spiritual power of God."
2) He is a True Leader c A Man of Both Vision & Moral Character
A leaders values and moral character are as important as his leadership skills (1 Tim 3:1; Dt 17:15-20). The Presidents decency, clean living & kindly manner have restored dignity to the White House. With a steady hand and considerable proficiency, he has guided our nation through very rough waters. His grace to endure abuse from his enemies is gift. Bush is an excellent leader.
3) George W. Bush Values the Sanctity Of Human Life!
One of his first official acts was to eliminate federal funding for groups that promoted abortion abroad. He supported and signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. He firmly rejects all human cloning and drew the line against federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Above all, he has appointed strict constructionists" to the federal courts and promises to appoint only such to the Supreme Court. Until Roe v Wade is overturned in the High Court, abortion will perpetually curse America (Gen 9:5-6; Dt 30:19; 2 Kg 24:2-4).
4) He Supports Biblical Marriage & a Federal Marriage Amendment
Denouncing activist judges and local officials" who want to "redefine marriage," the President says, if we are to prevent the meaning of marriage from being changed forever, [we] must enact a constitutional amendment..." Advocates of homosexual marriage add blasphemy against their Creator to their crime of approving what God calls an abomination" (Lev 18:22-30; Heb 13:4).
5) The President Is Dedicated to Americas Defense
When terrorists attacked on 9-11-2001, President Bush was the leader America needed. He chose to respond not with timid police action, but by taking the War to the terror-sponsoring nations. He reorganized our homeland security agencies and put them on wartime footing. Bush understands that we are in a clash of civilizations; that to save Judeo-Christian culture, we must win, however long it takes. His choice of Defense personnel, dismantling of the ABM Treaty and support for the Aegis Missile Defense system set the tone of his administration. His Axis of Evil" speech put our Islamist and Communist enemies on notice that this President would defend Americans and their interests. Our fighting men are eager to follow this Commander-in-Chief (Neh 4:14).
6) He is Committed to the Administration of Justice
George Bush's appointment of Christian statesman John Ashcroft as U.S. Attorney General and his nomination of judges who will apply the Constitution as it was intended by its writers, revealed his conviction for justice. His respect for the sanctity of human life, the Biblical cornerstone for the administration of justice, sets Bush apart as the only delectable presidential candidate (Gen 9:6; Ex 21:13; Rom 13:3-4).
7) Bush has Upheld U.S. Sovereignty amid Encroaching Internationalism
President Bush refuses to subject Americas fighting men to scrutiny by the International Criminal Court. He has firmly rejected the Kyoto (global warming) Treaty. He stands boldly against the U.N and World opinion when American interests are at stake (Ps 74:17).
8) He Fosters Free Enterprise & Resists Creeping, Humanistic Socialism
George Bush wants free enterprise solutions for Americas Socio-Economic problems. His plans to reduce health insurance costs for small business employees and to make Social Security solvent will bolster the economy. He is determined to eliminate discrimination against faith-based groups (Ex 20:15).
9) Bush's Tax Cuts are the Biblical Way to Grow the Economy
God views a 10% tax as oppressive (1 Sam 8:14-18). Yet Democrats want to raise taxes to expand failed social programs. President Bush's across-the-board cuts and tax credits for families with children are stimulating the economy and creating new jobs. Letting Americans to keep their own money to spend, save and give as they see fit, and requiring Government to tighten its belt - is the right thing to do.
10) President Bush Stands by Israel, Often Alone
God promises to bless all who bless Israel (Gen 12:3). President Bush's call for Arafat's ouster, support for Israel's security wall and some permanent settlements, his faith in Israel's claim to their land and limited rights of return for Palestinians, his firm support for Israel's right to self defense and commitment to keep Israel militarily strong, have proven Bush a true friend to the Jewish people
Conclusion: The President is not perfect and he may not be hard-line enough for some conservatives, but a President must govern 295 million diverse Americans. Unless there is revival in the Church and Awakening in America, we may never elect a more conservative President. General Tommy Franks said of Bush, "He is a man of high moral fiber to whom I would trust my children and grandchildren." The fate of our children and grandchildren is precisely what is at stake.
May Christians Everywhere Pray:
· Stir Americans, but especially Christians, to vote in November overwhelming to reelect President George W. Bush. May God-fearing Men & Women be elected to other offices, who will help make America a nation You can bless. DEFEAT every WICKED candidate, especially those who foster the shedding of innocent blood! In Jesus Name, AMEN (Gen 12:3; 2 Chr 7:14; 140:8-11; Pr 14:34; 21:31; 115:14; Is 32:1-8; 42:13; Dan 9:4-19; Mt 21:21-22).
Paid for by Capitol Hill Prayer Alert Committee Election Fund And Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee